Doctors Forced to Violate Hippocratic Oath and Finish Abortion
By Anne Reed
Carbondale, Illinois – An employee of Alamo Women’s Clinic in Carbondale, Illinois, called 911 on September 5, 2023, to report that a woman needed to be transferred to a hospital emergency room “to finish her abortion procedure.”
“This is exactly what we warned the public about,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “Dangerous, underregulated, abortion-inducing pills are forcing legitimate healthcare providers to become abortionists. This was already a problem with surgical abortions, but it has become rampant since chemical abortion has become the more prevalent method of child killing.”
No computer-aided dispatch transcript was made available, so what is known about this emergency is limited to the 911audio (below).
This killing center in the southern Illinois town of Carbondale, opened a few short months after Roe v. Wade was overturned. The small railroad town, with a population of less than 22,000, has become an abortion destination. Mothers in southern states where unborn babies are protected are unfortunately directed to Carbondale because of its close proximity.
One Tennessee abortion clinic moved its killing center from Memphis to Carbondale, leaving its Memphis location open as a referral center where women are corralled to its Carbondale location.
Carbondale is nationally recognized for its hospital birthing center that offers a safe and comfortable environment for birthing mothers. What was previously a safe harbor for moms and babies is now a bloody danger zone where emergency room staff and doctors are forced to become accessories to murder by “finishing” abortions. At that point, the healthcare providers must come to the rescue of moms who placed their trust in killers instead of life-saving doctors.
This facility kills by means of surgical and chemical abortion, so it is not known which method resulted in an “incomplete” abortion. Did an inept abortionist fail to remove all the dismembered body parts of a baby ripped into pieces during a surgical abortion? Or did Misoprostol fail in its job to expel the child’s remains after the first drug, Mifepristone, starved him or her to death? If so, how long did the woman suffer and bleed at home before returning to the facility for help?
“In either case,” said Newman, “an innocent child was murdered, a mother suffered possibly life-threatening complications that required hospitalization, and nurses and doctors were forced to finish the job of killers. I’m sure that is not what they signed up for when they committed themselves to medicine for the purpose of improving and saving lives.”
This report may be republished with inclusion of the following acknowledgement: “This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Anne Reed, is Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue.”
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