by Ricardo Pinedo
Denver, CO — On December 29, 2023, almost a year ago, a 30-year-old woman was rushed to the emergency room due to excessive bleeding after a failed abortion at Planned Parenthood Park Hill, located in a residential area just east of downtown Denver.
Pro-lifers on the scene documented the incident while ensuring the patient’s privacy was fully protected. In the video received by Operation Rescue, a woman could be seen wheeled to an ambulance in a stretcher. What happened to her afterwards is unknown.
After receiving evidence of the abortion injury, Operation Rescue attempted to secure 911 records to discover what exactly happened and hold Planned Parenthood accountable for yet another botched abortion.
Operation Rescue followed due process to request the records according to Colorado’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) laws. But the City of Denver repeatedly delayed and finally denied the lawful release of the public records, stating that according to their policies, “the privacy interests of individuals outweigh any public purpose to be served by disclosure of CAD report.” In other words, in the opinion of Denver government officials, even though the patient’s name and identifying information is always redacted from records, the privacy interests of the abortion clinic staff or callers outweighs the public purpose of exposing the truth that abortion is not “safe.”
“Sadly, this is not the first time records have been denied to apparently protect ‘abortion rights,’ said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. While Colorado’s statute specifies that medical data is exempt, any specific information about the patient’s identity need only be redacted.”
“Let’s keep in mind,” said Newman, that Planned Parenthood received nearly $700 million of our tax dollars in one year according to its most recent annual report. We have a right to know!”
However, in some communities, such as Denver, the city or county government refuses to release 911 calls and reports related to abortion clinic injuries. This is a growing trend.
Newman added, “As we see with this Denver case and in other cases involving injured women, it looks like authorities are covering for these butchers. Women are repeatedly injured, and public records that expose this are being denied through liberal policies that take advantage of legal voids,” said Newman. “It is more important than ever for us to work together with pro-lifers on the scene who can document these incidents. We cannot let the injuries of these women go unnoticed and unreported. Pro-lifers who legally pray onsite and reach out to women and families should not be intimidated.
“So we ask pro-lifers, sidewalk counselors, and prayer warriors that if they witness an emergency, please hold your phone horizontally to take pictures and record videos. And call or email Operation Rescue to report these emergencies. Our investigative team will employ every available method and resource to expose the abortion cartel!”
This report may be republished with inclusion of the following acknowledgement: “This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Ricardo Pinedo, writes for Operation Rescue.”
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