Administered Local Anesthesia ‘Used by Dentists’ for Surgical Abortion at Access Health Center

By Ricardo Pinedo

Downers Grove, Illinois – On September 12, a 911 call was placed from an abortion clinic in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois: Access Health Center. The caller reported a woman of unknown age having seizures after the abortionist started administering local anesthesia. She was unresponsive, with “blue lips” and signs of shock, indicating dangerously insufficient oxygen in her body. 

According to the caller, the “doctor” was getting ready for a surgical abortion. Apparently this patient had chosen an abortion with local anesthesia instead of total sedation. When the abortionist started with the anesthesia, the seizures began. She also started to show signs of low oxygen and abnormal breathing (according to the CAD report). The patient was still seizing while the caller was speaking to the 911 dispatcher. 

911 records provided courtesy of Pro-Life Action League.

What causes seizures and respiratory failure from anesthesia?

There are several reasons why a patient can experience seizures during an abortion. Although the cause for seizures in this particular case is unknown, the 911 caller from the facility did specify they used the type of local anesthesia used “in the dentist” (sic). 

According to Medscape, a medical educational portal, the most common problem with local anesthesia in an abortion procedure is accidental intravascular injection of anesthetic.” Accidental intravascular injection is a life-threatening complication which can produce the same symptoms described by the caller and can even lead to death. It happens when local anesthesia  is injected in areas with many blood vessels, causing toxicity in the body. 

Another possible cause of these complications and symptoms can be the injection of a high dose of anesthesia with rapid absorption into the body. 

The toxicity caused by local anesthetics administered incorrectly can generate problems in the central nervous system and cardiovascular system. Seizures are a frequent manifestation of problems in the central nervous system, and respiratory failure can often be seen in these cases. These complications are severe and can be fatal.

When women’s lives are in danger too:

This woman trusted the abortion staff and ended up suffering a life-threatening emergency.

“Operation Rescue regularly reports about emergencies like this, where women’s lives are put in real danger because they believed the myth of ‘safe abortion,’ said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “There is no such thing as a ‘safe’ abortion, and it is absolutely necessary for the public to know the truth about abortion: babies are being killed, and so are mothers!”

Newman added, “Not too long ago we learned about another woman in Georgia who died after receiving FDA-approved, so-called ‘safe’ abortion pills. This shows that both surgical and chemical abortion methods are dangerous or even fatal for mothers. Operation Rescue will continue working to expose the truth at all costs, especially now, when the future of the pro-life movement and many unborn babies will be decided by ballot in November.”

This report may be republished with inclusion of the following acknowledgement“This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Ricardo Pinedo, writes for Operation Rescue.”

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