More than a decade ago, Operation Rescue saw the need to start tracking vital information about America’s abortion clinics: closures and openings, the cost of procedures, gestational limits, and many other abortion trends. These statistics represent the most accurate data available when it comes to abortion clinics. Derived from confidential investigative techniques, this key information has proven to be an incredibly useful resource to the pro-life movement.
Operation Rescue’s annual survey has helped effectively expose the abortion industry in the news and in the courts. In 2016, for instance, data gathered by the previous year’s meticulous survey was used in an amici curiae brief filed on behalf of Operation Rescue in the Supreme Court case Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt. While Whole Women’s Health claimed the abortion law in question was making it all but impossible for women to schedule abortions, our survey verified that the average wait time for an abortion in Texas, as well as the average cost, fell below the national average – even with half the state’s clinics shut down.
Again and again, this hard-won data provides the public with the truth, equipping Americans with information that dispels the mainstream media’s highly coordinated talking points. For example, there were 2,176 abortion clinics in the nation in 2001. Today, there are no more than 700. The abortion industry has shrunk significantly over the last two decades!
The Abortion Cartel is losing ground all the time, and Operation Rescue is making sure that America knows it.