Wichita, KS — Waste Connections has informed Operation Rescue that they are no longer servicing Women’s Health Care Services, George R. Tiller’s infamous late-term abortion mill in Wichita, KS.
Waste Connections, a waste disposal company, appeared on Operation Rescue’s Abortion Collaborator list last year, and is the 15th company to stop doing business with Tiller and his abortion mill since the list was first published in July, 2004.
“We have found that when businesses come to understand how offensive abortion is to the majority of their clients or customers, they usually want to preserve their reputations by disassociating with the unpopular abortion industry,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
A survey taken of Wichita households reported that over 69% of Wichitans consider themselves “pro-life.”
“We applaud Waste Connections for having the courage and integrity to halt their business dealings with Tiller and his abortion mill,” said Newman.
“We believe our community is sending a strong message that they are opposed to abortion and opposed to businesses who profit from the abortionist’s blood money. If all businesses stopped dealing with Tiller on moral grounds, we could see and end to child-killing in our community,” said Newman.
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