By Anne Reed
According to the Abortion Care Network, today is “Abortion Provider Appreciation Day,” a day it claims Americans should celebrate “all of the courageous, compassionate people who provide abortion care.” The pro-abortion network specifically recommends that supporters celebrate abortionists “through love notes, art, acts of kindness and support, messages of affirmation, a giant love-fest Tweetstorm, and more.”
Such a “distinction” would have been a dream come true for Lawrence “Larry” Lader, known as “the father of the abortion movement.” The lifelong atheist died in 2006 with much of his ultimate dream of abortion on demand fulfilled.
Lader wanted unfettered access to abortion for any reason. In the early 70s, he strategized with Bernard Nathanson, also an atheist and abortionist at the time*, to push that agenda. Both men were getting rich by supporting abortion: Nader by referring, and Bernard by performing abortions at his high-volume abortion clinic.
The two men, together with feminist leader Betty Friedan, launched the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL) and proceeded to make up statistics about back-alley abortions and abortion approval poll numbers. They knew they had to hide their real goals, so they concocted the term “pro-choice.” That evolved in the 1990s into another pro-abortion slogan, “safe, legal, and rare.”
The abortion industry has since dropped that deceptive idiom. Rarity was never the goal. And all one must do is peruse Operation Rescue’s website for a few minutes to determine that abortion is certainly not safe.
The murderous abortion industry is built upon lies and an incredibly evil desire to kill the most innocent and helpless among us. The goal has always been legal abortion on demand, without apology. But the social architects had to make abortion more palatable for the American people.
“How far America has come since the 1970s,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “Today, the abortion industry has the nerve to suggest we celebrate abortionists.
“These murderers do not even deserve the distinction of being called ‘health care providers’ or ‘doctors.’ They are nothing more than blood-thirsty killers of the innocent. They are truly the bottom dwellers of our society. The idea of celebrating evil in this manner is repulsive.”
Operation Rescue encourages you today, through social media posts and otherwise, to celebrate the true heroes – those who serve in pregnancy resource centers and on the sidewalks of abortion clinics, reaching out to women and families with hopeful, life-affirming options. Celebrate the pro-lifers operating mobile ultrasound units that so often serve to rescue babies being led away to imminent death.
This is an opportunity to encourage these pro-life heroes who truly are compassionate, courageous, kind, and giving.
“Today, we each have a choice to celebrate life or celebrate death,” said Newman, “Let’s celebrate life!”
*Bernard Nathanson, who performed over 75,000 abortions, later became Catholic and staunchly pro-life. In 1985, he produced the film “The Silent Scream,” which showed sonogram images of a child in the womb attempting to escape abortion instruments. He also wrote a tell-all book, The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind.