Miami, FL — Michael Schiavo has formed a political action committee that will focus on opposing politicians who supported efforts to save his wife, Terri, from a court-ordered death by starvation and dehydration. In March, Terri Schindler Schiavo, who suffered from a brain injury, but was not “brain dead” or comatose, died after Michael successfully convinced a judge to order her feeding tube removed and legal efforts to save her failed.
The group, called TerriPAC, will raise money to pay Schiavo to speak out against candidates in their districts that opposed Terri’s death.
“I doubt if Michael can comprehend how completely offensive his latest antic is to those who loved Terri and poured themselves out into efforts to save her,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. Operation Rescue spent months working desperately to save Terri Schiavo’s life and helped lead vigils outside her hospice where she eventually died.
“It is appalling that he will personally profit from the death of his wife in this way,” said Newman. “In my opinion, Michael is a pathetic excuse for a man who is motivated by greed, revenge, and hatred for those who opposed him. He needs our continued prayers.”