There also now, says the Lord, turn to me with all your heart, and with fasting and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God…” (Joel 2:12-13)
Listen to Concerned Women For America President Wendy Wright in Washington, DC, invite you to join us in prayer. (This spot is airing on radio stations in the Wichita area.)
In the summer of 1991 the eyes of the nation were focused on Wichita, Kansas as tens of thousands of committed Christians gathered there to passionately cry out for an end to abortion. The event became known as “The Summer of Mercy.”
As part of “The Summer of Mercy”, over 70 local pastors publicly gathered on the streets of Wichita and covenanted together for the killing of the innocents to stop. Below is that powerful prophetic response:

“We listened with great alarm in Judge Kelly’s court yesterday as he attacked the pastors and priests of our city for speaking out against abortion.
Judge Kelly mocked the Church yesterday. By threatening our churches with the loss of our buildings and ministries, he apparently seeks to scare us into silence. As ministers of the Gospel, we are under Divine injunction to preach Biblical truth. We cannot be silent and we will not be silent as long as the abortion industry continues the premeditated killing of children.
We will continue to speak out with urgency until the killing of children is outlawed and Wichita become an abortion-free city.
We want to emphasize that we represent the local Christian community, led by her pastoral leaders, responding in repentance for our past lack of leadership on this issue. As a matter of conscience before God, we can do not other.”

In the summer of 1991, the City of Wichita had three abortion clinics. Today there is only one. To affirm the greatness of God, one of the closed clinics now serves as the national headquarters for the pro-life organization Operation Rescue.

That one remaining clinic is owned and operated by the most infamous abortionist in the world, George Tiller.

George Tiller has performed over 80,000 abortions and that is over 20,000 more lives taken then were lost in the Viet-Nam war. Many of the abortions are late term and young women walk into the clinic visibly pregnant. Mr. Tiller has boasted he has done more late term abortions than anyone in the western hemisphere and all of China.
To dispose of these 6 and 7 month old viable children, Tiller has an incinerator on the property in which he burns their precious bodies. The smoke coming out of the chimney is a gruesome reminder of the past horrors of the Holocaust in which Jews were incinerated in Nazi death camps.
However, God has not been silent on this issue. Beginning March 16 George Tiller will stand trial for 19 criminal charges which, if convicted, would put him out of business forever!
This is a historic and watershed moment for the Body of Christ and it is imperative that we respond with prayer, passion and radical obedience.

Come join us in Wichita.

In response to this pivotal moment, the Christian Defense Coalition, Operation Rescue, Bound4LIFE, Generation Life, Survivors and other Christian ministries are inviting you to come to Wichita, Kansas to join us in prayer, worship and intercession during the trial of George Tiller. The Holy Spirit is giving us this extraordinary “window of opportunity” and it is critical that we step into the purposes of God for this hour.
The conviction of George Tiller will energize the pro-life movement in a way that we have not seen in 20 years. It will also demonstrate that regardless of the political landscape God’s power is great and not limited to who resides in the White House.
Please prayerfully consider joining us in Wichita for intercession at the court and evening prayer rallies. We would ask that you consider fasting for the trial and if you cannot make it to Wichita join together with others in your churches, homes and local communities for prayer during the trial.

Below is listed a schedule of events and locations:

March 22: Sunday at 7:00 P.M. evening rally and prayer at:

Living Word Outreach
3033 S. Hillside
Wichita, KS 67216

March 23-27: The trial begins at the Sedgwick County Courthouse. We will gather for prayer everyday outside of the courthouse at 8:00 A.M. and then we will go into the courtroom to intercede during the trial.
Prayer rallies every night at 7:00 P.M.:

Living Word Outreach
3033 S. Hillside
Wichita, KS 67216

The trial is expected to last at least one week. To keep updated go to for the most current information. Please plan on joining with us as cry out to God to end abortion in Wichita and seek national spiritual awakening.
For more information call 316.841.1700 or 540.538.4741.