Wichita, KS ? Late-term abortionist George Tiller, changed the privacy statement on his web site yesterday, removing mention of his policy to forward the names of abortion patients to his political action committee, ProKanDo, for fundraising purposes. Kansans for Life had released a statement early Friday revealing the hypocrisy of such a policy in light of Tiller’s refusal to release the names of underage patients to the Kansas Attorney General who is investigating allegations of child sex abuse.
After receiving the information from KFL, a reporter contacted Tiller spokesperson Julie Burkhart on Friday morning to inquire about the policy. The policy was removed from the web site by early afternoon.
Burkhart is also the director of ProKanDo, and would likely have been the recipient of the abortion patient names. If any of those patients gave donations to ProKanDo of $50 or more, their names and addresses were reported to the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission. Operation Rescue has obtained copies of these reports under the Kansas Open Records Act and they can be viewed by clicking here.
“I don’t know if I can quite convey how hypocritical this is,” said Mary Kay Culp, the executive director of Kansans for Life.
“Tiller cannot possibly be as concerned for patient privacy as he claims since he will turn over patient names to political fundraisers. One has to wonder how many individuals listed on the ProKanDo Receipts and Expenditures Reports, which also lists home addresses and even occupations, are former abortion patients of his,” said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue.
“If Tiller really cared about these women beyond the dollar amount that he can make from them, he would gladly release the names of underage late-term abortion patients to Attorney General Phill Kline,” said Newman. “It is certain that that Kline will protect the identities of these women more than Tiller apparently has, and will work to protect these girls from continued sexual abuse at the hands of the rapists who have impregnated them.”
Read story in Kansas City Star
Read article in Wichita Eagle, 2/26/05
Read original privacy statement at www.dr-tiller.com