OR Remembers Aborted Babies While Offering the Gospel Message

Wichita, KS — Operation Rescue conducted a peaceful First Amendment evangelical outreach outside the Orpheum Theater in downtown Wichita where the public funeral service for George Gardner was being held. Gardner was the “chaplain” at George Tiller’s late-term abortion mill, Women’s Health Care Services. He baptized the remains of aborted children and falsely encouraged women that God somehow favored their abortions. The outreach also included a memorial to the pre-born babies Gardner helped to kill during his employment at WHCS.
Operation Rescue displayed an infant sized casket with a banner that read “Gardner’s Legacy: The Human Tragedy of Aborted Babies. Who mourns for them?” Some rescuers held scripture signs with verses such as “Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.'”

Brad Bennett and Cheryl Sullenger offered salvation tracts to the funeral attendees, who included late-term abortionist George Tiller and his wife, Jeanne, and abortion mill “deathscort” Candy Krueger who threw her lit cigarette at Cheryl Sullenger, hitting her. A large number of homosexuals also attended the services. Many people accepted the salvation tracts. Some funeral attendees even thanked the Christians for their presence while a few expressed disapproval, but most quietly entered the theater without comment.
Security guards from Tiller’s abortion mill were on hand, at first extending their arms and physically blocking the Christians from offering their literature. Once this was called to the attention of the Wichita Police, the abortion mill security guards backed off and behaved. Cooperation from the Wichita Police Department was outstanding and contributed to the peacefulness and effectiveness of the outreach.
Operation Rescue wishes to extend sympathy to the friends and family of George Gardner on their loss, and encourage all who followed Gardner’s heretical teachings to repent from their sins and seek Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation, if they have not already done so. OR also expresses grief for the pre-born babies that Gardner helped to kill and prays that one day, all pre-born children will be afforded the human dignity, protection, and respect that was denied to so many during Gardner’s lifetime.