By Cheryl Sullenger
Eastpointe, MI – Units were dispatched to Eastland Women’s Center, an abortion business located in Eastpointe, Michigan, on April 27, 2019, to assist a private Medstar ambulance unit with a woman who was suffering a possible uterine perforation and rapid heartbeat.
According to a Computer Aided Dispatch report, a 25-year old woman was suffering from tachycardia and a possible uterine perforation.
The woman was apparently transported by the Medstar ambulance while the fire department units were cleared after about ten minutes.
The symptoms described in the CAD report are consistent with a significant loss of blood.

Tachycardia is a condition where the heart beats abnormally fast. Hemorrhaging can result in tachycardia when a person has lost approximately 25-35% of blood volume, according to a report published by the National Institutes of Health. At 40% loss of blood volume, a person can experience “profound shock.”
Hemorrhaging usually accompanies uterine perforations, which is when a hole is torn in the uterus. This is a relatively common complication of abortion.
“It appears this young woman was suffering a life-threatening condition as the result of a botched abortion,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “It’s not surprising considering the troubled abortionists that work at Eastland Women’s Center. Women need to know that there are issues at this facility that could put their lives at risk.”
Angel Ojeda is the owner and operator of Eastland Women’s Center. He was placed on probation in 2017 for one year after the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs found that he failed to secure and account for dangerous drugs and failed to report the theft of drugs – including 82 vials of the controlled substance Fentanyl — by his former employee, Michael Roth, who used the drugs to conduct home abortions.
Roth, known as the “Trunk Abortionist” stole drugs and surgical instruments from Eastland Women’s Center so he could conduct a secret home abortion enterprise, which he ran out of the trunk of his vehicle. In October 2015, Roth was arrested after he was involved in a traffic accident where he hit and critically injured a special needs boy. When police searched his vehicle, they found drugs, surgical instruments, and 14 tubs containing the remains of aborted babies. Roth was criminally charged, resulting in the suspension of his medical license and a $25,000 fine.
The abortionist currently working with Ojeda at Eastland Women’s Center is former Ohio abortionist Martin Ruddock. In 2015, the Michigan Board of Medicine and Board of Pharmacy reprimanded and fined him a total of $1,500 for administering sedation to abortion patients without a valid Drug Enforcement Agency license.

Ruddock was arrested in 1998 of assault during a road rage incident. He pled guilty to 5th degree misdemeanor assault, was placed on one-year of probation and ordered to pay restitution.
Ruddock also has a history of botched abortions and is known to wear a butcher’s apron when conducting abortions.
The facility has frequently failed to pass health inspections and has been cited numerous times.
“The abortionists at Eastland Women’s Center are nothing less than a rogues gallery of criminals and quacks,” said Newman. “This abortion facility is only able to stay in business because the sordid history of this place and those who work there is virtually unknown to the public. Just based on the criminal conduct related to the Trunk Abortionist Michael Roth, this facility should have been shut down years ago.”