By Cheryl Sullenger
Chicago, IL – Two calls to 911 placed this year from the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Aurora, Illinois, show serious medical emergencies suffered by abortion patients, one of which appeared to be a desperate, life-threatening hemorrhage. Another showed the clinic’s propensity to downplay serious abortion-related injuries to the very people that can best help them – 911 dispatchers.
The 911 call recordings and Aurora Police Department printouts that contained some additional information were provided to Operation Rescue by the Pro-Life Action League of Chicago.
A 911 call was placed by the Aurora Planned Parenthood on March 12, 2019, for a woman who suffered “heavy bleeding” and was “feeling faint.”
“Her vitals are unstable. Not able to sit up,” stated the Planned Parenthood caller. A printout from the Aurora Police Department also reflected that information.
The web site states that people who lose 30-40% of blood volume are in danger of passing out. By then, heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration are all affected. The heart begins to beat faster to compensate for the loss of blood. Blood pressure continues to fall and respiration becomes rapid and shallow.
Until the hemorrhaging can be stopped, the patient’s condition will continue to deteriorate. Women have died from abortion-related hemorrhaging, including Tonya Reaves, who bled to death after an abortion at a nearby Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Chicago, Illinois, in July 2012.
It is the Aurora Planned Parenthood’s custom to request that ambulances run without sirens, but in this case, that request was not made, probably due to the very serious nature of this woman’s condition.

An earlier call that was made on January 12, 2019, made a serious abortion complication seem like a routine patient transfer for observation.
The Planned Parenthood caller told the dispatcher, “We need a transfer to either Rush or Edwards Hospital. We have a patient that just needs monitoring – for bleeding.”
She later told the dispatcher that they didn’t need the ambulance. When the dispatcher indicated that was the only way they could transport, the Planned Parenthood caller corrected herself and told him, “We do not need the sirens.”
Running without sirens and/or lights slows response times for emergency vehicles.
A printout from the Aurora Police Department indicated that the woman suffered from vaginal bleeding and that the nurse wanted her transported so she could be “checked out.”
It also noted that a fire engine was attempting to block pro-lifers from filming what was unfolding at the ambulance as the woman was brought out of the abortion facility on a gurney and loaded into the ambulance.
If the woman’s bleeding was not serious, Planned Parenthood would not have requested a transport to the hospital. This means her bleeding was too much for Planned Parenthood’s staff to handle and they needed a facility better equipped to deal with the abortion complication.
“Outpatient abortion facilities as they exist today simply are not equipped to handle even the most common of abortion-related medical emergencies, neither are the staff of many clinics adequately trained to deal with such emergencies,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “This makes them very dangerous places for women and their babies.”
Read about a previous incident where Aurora Planned Parenthood staff was uncooperative with 911.
Learn more about medical emergencies at abortion facilities around the nation at