Help urge the New Mexico AG to bring these ghouls to justice (see below).
By Cheryl Sullenger
Albuquerque, NM — A new video interview has surfaced that confirms allegations made by the U.S. House Select Panel on Infant Lives, that staff from the University of New Mexico used brains of aborted babies for dissection by high school students at a summer camp.
Dr. Paul Roth, chancellor of the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center and dean of the School of Medicine, was questioned by Marcie May after a UNM meeting where the disposition of human fetal remains was apparently discussed.
“Can I ask you to repeat what you said before about the workshop with UNM fetal remains with high school students?” May is heard asking during the brief video clip released by the New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAL) on
“Yes, we had a faculty member who obtained some tissue, and during one of these summer workshops, uh, dissected I think one or two fetal brains,” Dr. Roth replied.
Roth refused to mention the source of the fetal brains or exactly how they were procured.
NMAL noted that one meeting observer described Roth’s demeanor during the meeting as “cold, clinical and dismissive.”
On June 23, 2016, the Select Panel issued a 291-page letter to New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas referring UNM and Southwestern Women’s Options for criminal charges related to their fetal organ procurement arrangement that violated state laws.
In that letter, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who chairs the Select Panel, referenced the fact that in May 2012, someone at UNMHSC had “asked clinic for digoxin treated tissue 24-28 weeks for methylation study + because [redacted] wants whole, fixed brains to dissect w/ summer camp students. Clinic est. 27 and 28 weeks.” [Letter Page 10]
This macabre request was recorded in a notebook that cataloged numerous fetal organs that had been procured or were requested by UNM. [Letter Attachment 28, Page 186]
The referral letter also referenced evidence that Southwestern Women’s Options is the sole provider of “aborted infant tissue” to the UNM Health Sciences Center (UNMHSC). [Referral Letter Page 8]
Protest ABQ obtained Southwestern Women’s Option’s abortion consent forms from 2012 and 2015 that state: “pregnancy tissue may be used in medical research.”
This clearly violates New Mexico’s Jonathan Spradling Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, which prohibits the use of aborted baby remains in medical research.
Protest ABQ filed a formal complaint in July 2015, with Attorney General Balderas seeking an investigation into the illegal use of aborted baby remains for research since the baby cannot consent to the donation. That complaint is still pending.
Operation Rescue President Troy Newman says that Roth’s video confession not only verifies the Select Panel’s allegations concerning the fetal brain dissections by high school students, but lends added veracity to the rest of the Select Panel’s carefully documented information, which merits criminal charges or further criminal investigation.
“The video interview with Paul Roth corroborates the allegation made by the Select Panel. There should be immediate criminal charges filed against UNM and Roth, who apparently took no issue with high school kids dissecting aborted baby brains, and whoever requested the brains in the first place,” said Newman. “Everyone at UNM and at Southwestern Women’s Options that were involved with the illegal aborted baby body parts scheme must also be charged. Anything less is gross injustice.”
Please contact NM Attorney General Hector Balderas and demand criminal charges be brought against all at UNM and Southwestern Women’s Options who broke the law.
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[HT: NMAL & Protest ABQ]
Video Confession: UNM Official Confirms that Aborted Baby Brains Were Dissected by High School Students