By Cheryl Sullenger
South Bend, IN — Women’s Pavillion, the last abortion clinic in South Bend, Indiana, will halt abortions on Friday, November 6, 2015, making the South Bend area abortion-free.
The clinic’s troubled owner, abortionist Ulrich Klopfer, will surrender his facility license now that he has dropped his appeal of a decision issued in June by the Indiana State Department of Health to revoke the Women’s Pavillion’s operating license.
The ISDH notified Klopfer of its intent to revoke the Women’s Pavillion facility license in June after he failed to adequately correct numerous deficiencies discovered by inspectors.
Klopfer still faces possible revocation of his medical license or other discipline for hundreds of violations related to failing to include required information from state reporting forms and failing to report suspected child sex abuse in a timely manner.
Klopfer’s pattern of omitting critical information on the state mandated reporting forms served to cover up for child rapists and made it nearly impossible for the State to investigate suspected cases of child sex abuse or determine whether the abortions done by Klopfer were within the legal gestational limits in Indiana.
Women’s Pavillion was raided by police serving a search warrant in March, 2014. Klopfer was criminally charged with failing to report suspected child sex abuse.
“We have no idea how many little girls were handed back to their abusers by Klopfer. He did everything he could to protect the rapists at the expense of the safety of little girls that depended on him to save them. He really belongs in prison,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who consulted with Indiana Right to Life on this case.
Indiana Right to Life obtained thousands of termination of pregnancy reports from the state health department using a request for public records. Right to Life groups throughout Indiana reviewed the documents and found the omissions that have landed Klopfer in hot water with regulators and county prosecutors.
“We at Operation Rescue congratulate those in Indiana who worked so hard to bring this abortion criminal to justice,” said Newman. “This shows the importance of public record laws that allow the public to serve as watchdog over abortion abuses that are being overlooked by the States.”
Klopfer once operated three abortion clinics in Indiana. His Ft. Wayne facility halted abortions last year and he surrendered his Gary facility license in June. The termination of abortion services at Women’s Pavilion in South Bend will put an end to Klopfer’s abortion empire.
“We hope that this will prompt Klopfer will permanently retire, but only time will tell,” said Newman. “Klopfer must be continually monitored by authorities to ensure is doesn’t try to reopen up his seedy abortion operation elsewhere.”
Troubled South Bend Abortion Facility Must Cease Abortions Friday