Operation Rescue again demands Newman’s release from unjust incarceration and an apology from Mr. Dutton
Read our formal complaint to Minister Dutton
Melbourne, Australia – Operation Rescue is lodging a formal complaint with the Australian Minister of Immigration Peter Dutton over his poor treatment of pro-life activist Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Board Member of the Center for Medical Progress.
Newman’s attorneys have filed an appeal of his visa cancellation with the High Court and will face a hearing at 3 p.m. Melbourne time.
Earlier today, Newman was moved from the airport to a secondary facility on a military base where is his being held with criminals. Newman has been denied communication with his wife during his entire unjust detention.
He was detained after his visa was cancelled without notice. He never received official notice of his visa cancellation, which was done to appease a pro-abortion Member of Parliament who lied about Troy advocating the killing of abortion providers to accomplish the cancellation and silence Newman’s peaceful pro-life message.
Newman has never supported violence against abortion providers and statements from a book co-written by Newman have been taken out of context in order to twist the meaning to one that was never intended in the context of the book. Newman’s remarks were in the context of a theological study of a government’s ability to institute capital punishment, and was never in advocation of violent acts against anyone. What was never mentioned by Newman’s detractors was that the book also explained that in addition to judgement is mercy, and the ability to receive repentance, forgiveness, and restoration through Jesus Christ.
To Americans, the fact that the Australian government had Newman stopped in Denver and told he was not allowed to fly from Denver to Los Angeles on the authority of the Australian government is particularly disturbing. It was a gross overreach and violated Newman’s rights as a citizen of the U.S.
“Once again, we denounce the appalling treatment of Troy Newman by the Australian government and demand that he be released immediately with a sincere apology for all the trouble and for the worry was caused his family,” said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue. “Once Newman is released, we will address additional grievences with the Australian government at a more fitting time.”
Operation Rescue is urging Americans to contact Minister Peter Dutton respectfully object to Newman’s poor treatment and asking for his release at the hearing before the High Court just one hour from now.
Please object to:
Peter Dutton
Minister of Immigration
Operation Rescue Objects to Poor Treatment of Troy Newman by Australian Government